20世纪90年月初,中东烽火剑拔弩张,闻名的“戈壁风暴”正在酝酿当中。20岁的小伙子安东尼·斯沃福德(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)身世于甲士世家,他的祖父父亲、叔父是历次疆场上走下来的英雄。安东尼从小耳闻目睹,立志成为一位在疆场上立下莫年夜功劳的名誉甲士。颠末无数残暴练习,他终究被派往水兵陆战队第七陆战远征旅第二营,正式投身中东疆场。安东尼迟疑满志,却发现战争的残暴远远出乎他的料想。在此时代,故乡的女友不忠出轨,惊骇、空虚、压制则时刻熬煎他的神经,战争的真正意义更令他堕入寻思与矛
Recently-paroled thief, Jon Price, is forced to return to his small, rainy hometown of Fall City, Washington at Christmastime. Jon unexpectedly begins to find joy as he meets and grows closer to a struggling single mother who shows him true kindness, and he begins filling the role of a father for her young daughter.